Shopping habit of EF students

18 05 2007

We are Siva’s students and we had to make a survey about shopping habits. We created a questionnaire and we introduced it to the Ef students.   We interviewed six students from different classes, countries, sex and ages.This purpose is for improving our interview skills and English. 

The students like to go shopping for clothes. Some students go shopping once a week, but sometimes just for window shopping. Actually they buy something once per two weeks. On one hand, most of them prefer to make it with some friends, because they can help to choose but on the other hand some of them like to go by themselves because they can take their own time.We discovered that Asian people like using Internet, first reason is because it’s cheaper. Second one is because is easier. However, Europeans prefer to go in commercial center because of the choice. Almost everybody spend 2 hours in the shops. Students think that the most important factor is the quality and the second one price. They don’t care to spend more money if they find the product high quality and useful. Every student doesn’t care about brand. They are not brand royal and conscious. All of them prefer to go shopping in their own country for different reason. For Asian students, clothes and products are more fashionable in their own country than
Auckland, then it is cheaper and more choice. The fashion in NZ is too different than
Europe that’s why they like to go shopping in their country. There it’s easier to find clothes because of the choices. Commercials, Internet, friends and famous people influence the shopping habits. It depends for what kind of product. Students are ready to spend between 50 and 100 NZ dollars but for some of them, it’s not a problem to spend more money when it’s necessary.
 As a result of this survey, they have a similar habit. Each student likes to go shopping in their own country and they spend about 2 hours for shopping. But there is a difference between Asian and European. Asian people use Internet for shopping and spend money more than European.  

Furthermore we didn’t find a difference between girls and boys. Both of them like going shopping and spending time to do it.

Takuya and Sidonie



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