Survey on Shopping

18 05 2007

This week’s topic in Unit 84 is exploring economics and commerce.We asked 6 persons about their habits concerning shopping, for example time, brand-consciousness, knowledge about their favourite brand etc.   This survey should show the buying-habits of EF-students.It could help to show an image of the general buying habits of young people from all around the world. 


Most students like shopping, especially shopping for clothes irrespective of gender.The average student goes for shopping about 5 – 6 times a month and spends about 2.5 hours.They mostly prefer buying clothes and spend most of the shopping-budget on them.On average the persons do not have any favourite brand (except H&M, BillaBong, Giordano which were mentioned by few of the interviewees)Nearly all interviewed students do not have a specific criterion for buying clothes, but look at the product in general.Most students prefer real (face-to-face) shopping, followed by online-shopping.The interviewees spend from 100 to 300 NZ$ on shopping (except groceries).Four out of six people are willingly to pay more money on quality food, instead of buying cheap food. 


This survey cannot be taken seriously for all people around the world, because the number of the interviewees was very low, i.e. six persons.However, most of them should inform themselves better, where their consumed products are produced, in order to prevent child labour, and encourage fair-trade. 

All in all, the students look at quality independent from specific brands. 

We want to thank all our interviewees for spending their time for our survey. 

Greetings Thomas and Andreas  



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